jeudi 14 janvier 2010

Sunday the 3rd of January

Suite au lever de 7h30, nous partons à 8h30. Le padre nous bénis avant de partir... La route est très belle mais je me permet de dormir un peu quand même. Je rencontre mes futurs camarades de travail: Pierre, le jefe, avec qui je passerai le reste de mes 4 mois, Fabien, le Québécois qui est tunésien mais qui a un accent français et qui fait toujours des blagues, Lise qui médite souvent, et Claude et Lisette, l'un ex-policier et l'autre pleine d'énergie.

When we got to Rio Dulce, after a few hours of traveling, we went straight the the pizzaria, a very nice place and the food was also pretty good. Two more people came by to say hi, they arrived in their boat. After our meal, we do a bit of groceries and then move on to our new home situated in a small village names Paracaidistas. After having chosen our beds, we meet Angela, who will be cleaning all our clothes everyday and making all our meals with the help of other guatemalian ladies.

Despues, visitamos los lugares y a la noche, jugamos a Skipbo, el jugo simbolico de la primera semana.

3 commentaires:

  1. Very nice trip, enjoy your works in Guatemala. BTW, what is the Skipbo?

  2. We're following each new entry in your journal with interest, to share, vicariously, in your experience. Keep it up! (Skipbo - also known as "Spite and Malice" - was another in the repertoire of card games regularly played by your grandparents!)

  3. Tourlou! C'est très intéressant.
    Ginette BSTM vendredi 15 janvier 2010 @ 20h34
